The Coolest Thing…

Photo by EVG Kowalievska on

Today’s writing prompt asks about the coolest thing I ever found and kept; so in usual fashion I’m going to tailor it to my experience and talk about the coolest thing that ever found ME that I kept.  Her name is now Cinnamon Girl but she didn’t have a name when she showed up at my door.

I live in a townhouse that opens to a small grassy area, a sidewalk and the street just beyond.  The street has become busier now than it was when Cinnamon showed up, and that’s an important part of the story.  My living room is on the back of the house, so I walk up the hallway toward the kitchen on the front of my house many times a day.  And I have a lovely glass door on the front so the regular door is usually open, exposing the glass door to let in light.  One special day, there was a little tabby girl, very small kitten, just sitting and looking in.  She didn’t run when she saw me; she just sat quietly, watching.  

I couldn’t wait to meet her so I walked toward the door too quickly and she took her leave.  Okay, she’s fearful.  If she comes back, I will remember.  And she came back.  Next day.  I went to the door slowly and sat on the floor a few feet away and just let her look at me.  That was the routine for several days, with me moving ever so slightly toward the door.  Early on, I put out some food for the kitten, whom I knew was ‘she’, instinctively.  She wasn’t interested in getting closer than through the glass, so I talked to her that way until winter approached.

We had a terribly harsh winter that year and I feared she would freeze.  So I went online to see how to help.  I built her a styrofoam house on the porch, but Cinnamon’s house had a little heating pad under the blankets and extra insulation for her, and a little mouse-door entrance.  I couldn’t sleep, worrying about her, because she didn’t come into her condo for several days.  I know because, unable to sleep from worrying about her, throughout the night I’d get up and peek through the blinds to see if she had moved in.  One morning when I checked at 1:30 (It was an icy night), I saw here little face in the doorway of her condo.  Then, beside her, was her first house guest!  Finally, I slept.

I named her Cinnamon Girl because she looked like a brown/gray tabby, until the sun was behind her.  In that situation, her fur glowed a beautiful cinnamon color.  She was no longer an ordinary girl then, she was stunning.

One day in Spring, I cracked open the glass door and reached out just my hand so she could sniff me.  By that time, she had been coming every day, several times a day and staying in her condo on the cold nights.  She checked me out and our friendship reached another level.  Eventually I sat on the porch and ‘ignored’ her, knowing she would eventually circle me and check me out, as long as I sat still and quiet.  After years, I was able to pet her.  After years, I could call to her and she’d come to the porch.  And she was getting some weight on her body and her fur was looking healthy and beautiful.

I also trapped her and took her to a cat rescue to be spayed and vaccinated, bringing her home to heal.  I put her cage in the powder room where there was a litter box, food and water for her and critically, a quiet place for her to heal.  I visited her each day, many times a day, but didn’t try to touch her.  When she healed, sadly, I let her go, thinking I would never see her again.  Why would she come back to the place that traumatized her?  As she trotted away, I felt like I had let her down, somehow.  But at least she wouldn’t have yet another litter of kittens.  Over time she had had four; three were hidden away by her and the fourth, she brought to the safe porch and which I adopted out to good homes.  

Eventually, though she trusted me, every other sound frightened her into dashing away, often across the now busy street.  So I made a plan to scoop her inside and then…I didn’t know.  I only knew I couldn’t bear for anything to happen to my little friend.

I bribed her to the door with fried chicken, scooped her in and she bolted upstairs into one of the spare rooms.  Okay.  I put a litter box in, food, water and toys, and closed the door to give her time to adjust to the new smells and sounds, and to decide whether or not she was going to forgive me.  After a week, I just cracked the door a bit and left her to her own plans.  One day I looked at the landing of the stairs and there she was, looking at me.  When I turned to her, she ran back to her room.  But another day as I sat in the living room, I looked down to see her sitting by my feet.  From then on, it was a slowly developing friendship on her part; I loved her nearly from the beginning.

Now she sleeps with me, actually ON me, every night.  After 5 years I can pick her up but not too often, she talks to me, purrs, gives me love nibbles. She NEVER gives me a minute’s trouble.  It’s a big deal that she purrs, because she was completely silent for years.  I didn’t think she knew how to purr, that she had never felt safe enough to purr.  She greets me with a kitty hello each morning and lets me brush her and cuddle with her.  And amazingly, often (because of course she knows my routine) she lays on the floor and poses with her belly exposed.  That’s huge! I feel incredibly honored to be trusted by her.  Now she makes me step over her if she’s comfortable where she is.

So, this is my ‘favorite thing’, even though she chose me!  For some reason, out of all of the homes, she came to mine, kept coming to mine, even before there were any rewards for her.  She’s the sweetest cat I’ve ever shared life with. I’ve had probably 20 cats over the years, and all have been/are lovely creatures, each with his/her own personality and spirit.  But Cinnamon is the sweetest, kindest, least spoiled of all of my pets.  I like to think she realized how I helped her, but in reality?  She saved me a much as I saved her.


Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on

Yes bad things are happening.  Yes, they could lead to the annihilation of many humans, maybe even me.  So why are we just reclining while we watch this HORRIFIC news?  Well, I’ll tell you, not in order of significance by the way.

First, it feels orchestrated.  It REALLY does.

Second, the welcome mat was rolled out for criminals and terrorists at the southern border.  On purpose. They’re here, have been here long enough to lay out the agenda for attacks, polish all of the silver, have a smoke.  They’re probably having a cocktail and relaxing until the ‘go’ button is pushed.  The terrorists want to eliminate us and take this beautiful country so they can ruin it.  OH!  I almost forgot, they’re going to DRILL BABY DRILL hahaha.  I can hear wailing and gnashing of teeth from here. hahaha.

Third, our taxpayer money went to pay HUGE money to the origin of several terrorist organizations who hate America and want to annihilate us.  Already tried, in fact.  In an horrific manner, which today doesn’t appear to offend anyone (see item seven).

Fourth, no way to know what’s true and what’s not on the ‘news’.  The art of the ‘red herring’ has been perfected by the elite controllers coupled with ‘the media’.  And it is actually very sad how corrupted a once admired group have become.  And it’s uncomfortable to have no idea where the truth lies.  Truth, by the way is its own entity.  There is no “MY truth”.  That would be an OPINION of THE truth.

Fifth, everyone is suspicious of the reason for our HUGE CASH contributions to Ukraine.  We know what we are TOLD, but who can believe it?  Not me.  I think there are some things in Ukraine that need to be ‘protected’.  Oh, you know what I mean.  Question: why have they not been bombed?  Maybe there’s a use for them by the conquerers in the aftermath (Hint: not America) to control any survivors of what is coming our way.

Sixth:  Our ‘government’ does everything they can do to show hatred for America, so hey, why not destroy her.  The ones building this disaster have made themselves rich and they think they will be immune to whatever happens in the future.  Hmmm.

Seventh: The elite crooks in charge have figured out two things: 1) How stupid people are; and 2) How much they can manipulate us right in front of us and duh, the great stupid majority do not get it.  Still gonna vote for you, criminals.

Eighth:  Our votes don’t matter.  The corruption is so great that it has grown beyond anything thinking Americans can do to stop it.  Note: a small percentage of us have not lost our critical thinking skills.

Ninth: I know this will confuse the Smooth-Brains, but here we go:  Discrimination is BAD!  You cannot be a HATER!  We will paint ourselves and take over the highways if you don’t RECOGNIZE everyone’s right to exist and have RIGHTS!   We will chain ourselves to trailers parked across the road; we will lay down in front of your trucks and cars, we will burn your cities, loot your stores, shoot you…in the name of peace of course!  But uh, let’s just wipe out Israel and anyone who looks like them, acts like them, worships like them, anywhere until they are all dead.  OH MY GOD the absolute stupidity.  STUPIDITY.  These people are hypocrites and they are just plain stupid.  Oh, and by the way, we are not allowed to VICTIM blame, except when Israelis are murdered.  It’s okay to blame them.  Again, stupid, wrong, hypocritical.  I will never give protestors another second of credibility about ‘rights’ about not being a ‘hater’.  Why?  Because they are liars, and I hate a lie to the core of my being.  I’m taking notes and will never support a person or entity who supports a hate agenda.  I will watch YOU and see whether or not you practice what you preach, and if you don’t, I will call you out on that. I have always been a kind person, with an intent to be fair and honest to all.  But I have been called privileged and a racist, so what the hell.  I’ve been falsely labeled by a group who claim to want equality, while they threaten me, even with death.  They have lost all credibility because the well has been poisoned.

Ah, there are more but I’m tired of listing.  I just want to say this:  Criminals are being used to foment the takeover of America by ‘the government’ by military means.  Once that happens, criminals, you will not be needed and will, in fact, be viewed as insurgents.  Oh we know what happens to insurgents in a dictatorship, don’t we? I would say these people should think about that, but uh, they don’t think.  So I recommend they just bend over and kiss…you know.  Their days are numbered.

And, in a dictatorship, what do you think happens to PROTESTORS?  hahaha.  This is the only thing that makes me smile when I look at what’s happening to our country.  THESE GUYS will be gone pretty quickly because, hey, there’s no protesting in a dictatorship!  hahaha.  Dumbasses.  See now, THIS is where thinking comes in handy.

Let’s go back to the sixth item, just for fun:  Do you know of countries where the ‘new’ dictator hauls out the competition…even uncles…and takes them out?  Seen anything like that in the last century?  Oh sure you have.  Think N Korea.  So, if the ‘wealthy elites’, think they’re gonna get a big hug and pat on the back? hahah.  Uh, no.  They are too dangerous and crooked, mainly too power hungry.  Their days are also numbered, RIGHT along with the stupid ones they so easily manipulated.  They might even be standing beside the minions at the end. Might be standing beside me, but I will be laughing at them.  Again, here’s where the ability to think would have been beneficial.

Oh maybe they think they will rule the WHOLE world; there won’t be anyone to take them out.  Well, what about their fellow insurgents?  There’s only room for one at the top.  Laughing again.

By the way, if you cry wolf often enough, people will recognize the game.  It’s happening.  See how I tied this back in to the title?  Amazing.

Stay as safe as you can.  I’m going to be in my recliner, well not a recliner; I don’t own one.  But I’ll be relaxing.  We get exactly what we deserve.