Photo by Zac Frith on Pexels.com

Hawaiians on Maui need help.  Lest anyone think they are just rich, lazy, entitled, privileged vacationers who are out of touch…use any of the ‘favorite’ descriptions you want when you think Hawaii is just a massive wealth-heavy resort.  No.  Most of these people have jobs, they work, they love their families, they have doctors and issues, and troubles just like everybody else.  And right now they are traumatized, deeply emotionally wounded, terrified and in shock. These people, our FELLOW AMERICANS have lost EVERYTHING.  Their homes, their clothes, their shoes, their cars, their heirlooms, their pets. Many have lost family members, even their own children!  The numbers of people who died or are missing are sorely understated, and if you listen to the ones who are there, wearing donated clothes, bearing bruises and burns and deep emotional scars, you will get the TRUTH.  What THEY say and what the ‘media’ say are vastly different.  Big surprise.

Is anybody curious about why no help is reaching these people?  Doesn’t anybody else wonder why actual number of deaths is not being reported??  Why did billions of dollars go to Ukraine and each person who lost FAMILY members along with everything else, got 700 dollars and nothing else??  Can you imagine trying to survive on 700 bucks?? Why are government agencies, who work for us and whom we pay for with taxes, not doing right by our own people???  Where are OUR agencies, formed for the express purpose of dealing with big events like this, doing nothing?  I’m going to guess it is because the ones at the top are inept, unqualified, and inwardly focused…as in “how can I profit from this?”

Watch some of the YouTube channels FROM Maui, so you can hear the residents talk about what happened, hear how they found out about the tragedy, hear them talk about the difference between what happened and what is being put out in the ‘media’.  Start with “Hawaii Real Estate”.   I know, real estate.  But listen, this guy is desperately trying to help his fellow residents, even offering access to internet and phone service so people can make phone calls through Starlink.  He rides his motorcycle, filming the devastation, to get the truth out.  He interviews residents; that’s how I found the family I donated to.  Why is FEMA not doing this?  I think it is because communication is not encouraged or made possible for the masses of people who are devastated.   SpaceX is sending Starlink out there, and Verizon is there.  WHERE IS FEMA?  

There are already scammers at work, seemingly focusing on the elderly who don’t understand the technology they have to try to deal with, many of whom are not well to begin with.  Unconscionable.  By the way this particular scam started with Red Cross.  That, they said, was the number they were given to them to call to get help.  Imagine that.  Scammed at the lowest time of their lives.

I sent some money to one small family.  It wasn’t much.  I don’t have much, but I shared what I had.  They work hard for their living, and they renovated a small, 50’s era home, if I recall correctly.  They’re not rich vacationers.  He’s a landscaper who is environmentally conscious.  He actually breaks a sweat to work.  Imagine that.  They contributed to the welfare of their state!  When they were on YouTube (Hawaii Real Estate channel) they said everything they were wearing was donated.  Their clothes, their shoes, even underwear.

I would love everyone to find a FAMILY to donate directly to.  If you give to an organization, the money will not reach the ones who need it.  It seems our government have given everyone permission to steal and grift.  Find a PERSON, and get the money to them through whatever means.  Get on YouTube and find out the truth and then spread it.  Shine a light on the abysmal situation there.  Listen, there is too much intelligence, too much compassion, too much technology in our country for these people to be suffering this way, this long.  

Ask why a police chief is also the coroner.  He has zero skills; he was either appointed or voted in. Coroners are NOT doctors, they are not medical examiners, that’s not required.  You know, I’m willing to bet there is a program already in place to find and identify human remains, based on residence, jobs, known patterns of living.  Family by family, tax payer by tax payer, church member by church member, employee of a site by employee.  It’s not rocket science.  It’s not EASY, but with the right project manager running things, it can be done expeditiously.

It is critical that the truth of what is really happening be spotlighted and shouted to the rooftops. That is the ONLY way the corrupt ones will be forced back into their holes.  I have rarely felt as helpless as I do now.  But I made a donation to a real family, and I am spreading the word.  Please do the same.  Go to YouTube channel Hawaii Real Estate, start there, and listen to the PEOPLE there.  Please. Once you go there, you’ll be motivated, I promise.

By the way, 3 days ago the death toll stood at 115.  Are you KIDDING me.

Here’s a link to the family interview I mentioned, copied: https://youtu.be/7Q6lNB6yilY?si=kKnDvRq9cyfStpZu