Better Pay Attention to the Stuff that Slides By Us

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

It’s all about the money, ladies and gentlemen.  Scott Reisch, a practicing Colorado defense attorney says that.  A lot.  It got me to thinking about ‘the law’, the ‘justice system’, AI, Deepfake, the income gap that has created the rich and the poverty stricken and nothing between, all of the crap swirling us around the bowl.  I decided Scott is right (of course he is), but there’s more; and it gave me a whole new perspective on the world.

Don’t be fooled into thinking Bill Gates cares about the environment with regard to cows.  Cows eat vegetation and fart.  Someone said that’s what vegetarians do as well.  I thought that was hilarious.  But Billy Boy has a stake in a company that makes fake meat…lab grown meat.  He doesn’t give a shit about methane gas; he wants alllll of the ‘wealthy countries’ of the world to eat fake meat and PAY HIM FOR IT shhhhh.  He doesn’t say that out loud.   I guess Richard Branson is also an investor as well as Kimbal Musk.  Where does the cellular material come from that starts the formation of lab meat in the giant vats?  Well maybe a fertilized egg.  Who the hell knows.  ‘Beyond Meat’.    

Uh, by the way, the US has approved the sale of it:

From AP News: “The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn’t come from slaughtered animals — what’s now being referred to as “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.”

And you are going to buy it, eat it and suffer whatever consequences might come up.  Yet another human clinical trial that won’t ever stop, regardless of consequences.

So, AI says the world is overpopulated, yet Gates says we are UNDERpopulated.  I guess he needs more consumers of his fake meat?  By the way will you please google it and just LOOOOK AT THAT STUFF?  Well it’s made in huge tanks and eventually I believe they will put ‘additives’ in it, like birth control for the troublesome groups that need to be reduced, or antidepressants that level out emotions to make us more controllable in the volatile areas.  Or poison, like Diet Coke (I call Diet Coke poison, in case you were wondering) for the ones we just need to hand a bottle to suck on.  Well.  As of today I’m still entitled to think and have an opinion.

Do you remember when they told us that GMO foods would be identified as such?  Remember that?  Seen any labels like that lately?  Didn’t think so.

Here’s a good one, from Reuters:

“Elon Musk’s Neuralink received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for its first-in-human clinical trial, a critical milestone for the brain-implant startup as it faces U.S. probes over its handling of animal experiments.

The FDA approval “represents an important first step that will one day allow our technology to help many people,” Neuralink said in a tweet on Thursday, without disclosing details of the planned study. It added it is not recruiting for the trial yet and said more details would be available soon.”

Wait, did you catch that last half-sentence “as it faces US probes over its handling of animal experiments.” What the hell does THAT mean???  Doesn’t matter, HUMAN CLINICAL TRIALS, people.  WHILE their animal trials are not even ‘wrapped up’ yet.  And THAT’S ALL THEY SAID ABOUT IT.  Jesus Christ.

How long do you think it will take for these TWO THINGS to be used against humanity.  I know!  Won’t it be GREAT that the blind can see and the hearing impaired can hear?  Yeah, that’ll be great.  It absolutely will.  But how about the entire population becoming slaves after the implants are tweaked.  You know that shit word that keeps getting thrown around lately.  I never had a slave, neither did my parents and grandparents.  But yeah, we might get to BE one.  All of us except the super-rich.  And what do we do with the people with implants that short out or kill brain function in ways not anticipated?  Who’s gonna pay for that?  Well you are.

You know the government is going to get its evil hands into these two things…just these two…there are more.  And why?  Because people are stupid.  We are lazy and too easily distracted and manipulated to pay a-fucking-tention, and education isn’t education anymore.  Ask ANYBODY to do a percentage calculation, even a simple one.  Right.  People freak out.  Don’t even mention fractions.  Good God. Ask an adult to read to you.  You’ll jump off of a cliff.  I’m so embarrassed.

I suppose we are getting exactly what we deserve.  But for God’s sake, look up ‘red herring’ (spelled for you) and stop swallowing every single thing  you are fed by the internet or the ‘news’.  When you see a sensational story, stop, look around and check the air for one of these sneaky human tests being slid under the door in the dark of night.  Hell, they don’t even have to wait for darkness anymore.  We’re too busy taking SELFIES.  

Thank God for the ones who find this crap and put it out there for us to see, until the UK government sets a precedent through Russel Brand, to censor us thinking ones, yes EVEN YOU.  If you hate slavery and love being ‘respected’ so much, you had better damn well start paying attention.  It is all about the money folks, but it is also about power and control.  We little people do not matter except that we open our little wallet and let these assholes reach in with their little pinkie extended and rape our budgets. That’s power and control over YOU, and it does not MATTER what your freaking PRONOUNS are (red herring by the WAY).  

I again cite the scientific article I read in the 80’s that said (From Scientific American, by the way), that people will breed themselves out of existence, until they are too dumb to come in out of the rain.  Well LOOK around and see what you think about that prediction!  Somewhere along the line people with money figured out how stupid the average people are.  If that is you, please do not reproduce yourself!

How to Materialize Buyers and Sellers

Photo by Amina Filkins on

You can’t.  Goodbye.

JUST KIDDING.  I just needed to say that. I should say, “Here we go again”, as we enter a falling/stabilizing market and news tells us there’s going to be a crash.  I watched a video last evening, one published five months ago, saying, “It’s here!  It’s terrible!”.  Well it’s not here; there is no crash.


Listen, we are approaching an election year, interest rates are up and going up ‘one more time’ this year, everybody’s budget is ruined due to the economy, meaning food and gas prices, light bills, water bills, you name it.  Yep, a perfect storm for real estate.  And why on God’s green earth would anyone give up a 3% interest rate for a 7.2% one?  

What I WANT to say is that you cannot materialize buyers and sellers by pounding on agents or paralegals or real estate Brokers-in-Charge.  Pound away!  The economy is still in the toilet.  I’ve seen this behavior SO many times: Oh let’s have a MEETING to discuss HOW WE CAN GET AGENTS to bring contracts in.  

I know how:  Fix the economy.  If you can’t DO that, go away and stop acting like real estate agents can magically materialize transactions.  There are still transactions happening, but on the hot heels of a ridiculously inflated market, anything near normal is going to look like actual hell.  So calibrate, is what  I’m saying.

Now, goodbye.  Relax.


Corruption is A-OK

Photo by RDNE Stock project on

Go ahead and cheat.  EVERYBODY’S doing it.  That is called ‘affiliation’ in the marketing world, folks.  And it works.  If everyone else is committing a crime, go ahead! Loot that store!  “Allll my friends are doing it”.  I feel nauseated.  Hurry!  Get ‘yours’ while you can (coercion).  Do you recall hearing or seeing these tactics used in advertising?  Sure you do.  How about in politics?  Well unless you live under a ROCK you see it.  Every day!

There was a time when one’s word was his/her (don’t EVEN go there)bond, bond meaning a binding agreement; sometimes that was such a strong promise, you didn’t even need to ‘shake on it’.  One of the things I admired most about my father was his honesty, his integrity.  He always did the right thing, no matter how hard.  I was proud to have him as my dad. He’s gone now, and I often wonder what he would think of the country for which he went to war, the one for which he saw some of his friends die horribly.  I have to be glad he isn’t here to see the mess this country has become.  But his focus on honesty runs strong in MY veins, so it lives on.  In most cases, though, those days are gone.  There’s even a marketing strategy to make being a ‘thug’ a good thing.  Do you know the definition of ‘thug’?  Ever looked it up?  Allow me: a violent, aggressive person, especially one who is a criminal.  That’s a good thing?  F&%k!

In my lifetime, in my small world, I’ve seen two clerks of court either convicted of, or accused of, crime.  One went to prison (greed) and the other has just been accused of jury tampering in a HUGE criminal case in South Carolina (greed).  These are members of the JUSTICE SYSTEM, people.  What the actual HELL?  (Yeah, that’s cliche but I think it’s fun to say).  Then there’s the Long Island Serial Killer case where the chief of police and his management structure (and possibly subordinate structure), are possibly involved in either the actual crimes or the covering up of them, maybe even BOTH!  POLICE!  Law enforcement!  And we wonder why police are under fire all over this nation.  It’s because of people like this.  Oh what the hell; I’ll SAY innocent until proven guilty.  But what I think that I DON’T say might just be different.  One bad apple DOES spoil the whole bunch, like it or not.  Even if you are not a criminal, you are tainted and that should piss you off and make you stand up against crime.

Let’s go back to that South Carolina Clerk of Court.  After the trial ended, she was interviewed.  When has a clerk of court ever been interviewed?  I never saw it…until that day.  And I shouldn’t see it!!  Clerks should sit down and be quiet.  If they provide commentary on a case, that sounds a LOT like conflict of interest. And the term ‘beaming’ definitely applied to her smile.  She LOVED that attention, OMG my subconscious mind shouted, “DID YOU SEE THAT??”, and now?  Now she’s writing a book, and also now?  She’s gonna need a lawyer, because she’s been accused of jury tampering.  Oh and if she DID tamper, she’s going to jail, the big house.

I’m pissed.  Why?  Because the evidence overwhelmingly pointed to guilt of this South Carolina murderer and now he’s going to get another chance to go free.  THIS GUY stole insurance payout money from a paraplegic who ended up dying, and from a young teenager whose family died in a terrible car crash.  His theft forced her to live in POVERTY, after the truck that killed her family paid a huge sum, millions, to compensate HER (but he kept the money). Oh did I say he was a lawyer?  Yeah, I hear you.  And those were just two of many, many such thefts among lots of OTHER crimes.  Not to mention, did I say?  He murdered his wife and youngest son.  OMG.  And this clerk, if the allegations are true, could give him a chance to go free.  Yeah, I’m furious.  

Why is this crap raining down from the sky onto the few honest people left, the ones on whose backs this country rests?  I think it is because our government, in front of the entire UNIVERSE advertises crime as a way to grin (creepy grin) all the way to the many banks.  One bank isn’t enough.  We see them cheat, lie, threaten, attack their opponents, maybe even murder, and get AWAY with it.  (How do they DO that?)  We look at them and know we cannot believe a SINGLE WORD THEY SAY.  It used to be that such behavior was always in the middle eastern countries, you know, the ones where there’s a single dictator or a group, all violent, all incredibly rich at the expense of the people they supposedly govern.  Well hello, welcome to America.  And I remember once being proud that we had a just and honest government, you know, the one with checks and balances?  Well, one leg of that ‘balance’ is now corrupt as a sewer.  Well, okay TWO legs.  Definitely at least two.  Okay THREE, definitely three.  F&^K!  And that, my friends, is how they get away with this shit.  NO, NONE, ZERO checks or balances.

These criminal behaviors are signs of top-down corruption, PERMISSION to be liars, a cheaters, even  murderers, to get money and power.  The two greatest things people lust after.  And now, America has been turned loose to behave like low-brow thugs, unintelligent and lazy, with only muscles going for them.  Hell, you don’t even need muscles now.  Look at Cavalcante.    But one day, if we keep being mindless robots, we all become slaves.  WHAT??  WHO SAID THAT EVIL WORD?  

I did.

If you can read, take time to look over historical docs about North Korea, Iraq, Mexico, China.  For example.  Oh God there are many more.  Once the power and money grabbers get you to bend to their will, they will ultimately own you and control you.  First they create an environment of lawlessness, so they can send in the military (within which they have placed corrupt leadership) to take your weapons and your ability to defend yourself.  Then they will take  your money and be sure you keep making product to sell, you know, like in sweat shops.  Goodbye phone, goodbye rights, goodbye independence, and if you are an addict?  Uh oh, you have no place in the new order.  Upstart?  Criminal?  Anti government?  Goodbye.  Can’t have you guys around in a dictatorship.  All of that noise and crime you enjoy right now will make you an immediate target in the ‘new order’.  Buh buy.  Can’t say I will miss you, but I digress.  Then?  Your leader will live in a palace and force you to adore and worship him and jump around like an idiot waving feathers and flags.  If you don’t?  Bye bye.  OH, if and you don’t get to have any opinions, ever.  Oh I know, you think if YOUR guy wins you will be beloved.  No.  Beloved is not the word I’m thinking.

This is why our country of corruption bothers me so much.  It’s because I have a brain and I use it.  It’s because I can SEE the result of corruption of the ones who built and are building our country.  If our backs break all the way through (and they are breaking), that’s a big cornerstone of the effort to create a dictatorship of America.  Who will be the head, the slave owner?  Well we can eliminate a few doddering fools.  Even their money can’t make them immortal.  But their crime will live on.  Remember when I said my father’s integrity is in my blood?  Well that works for criminal behavior too.

And listen. Once the few billionaire take over all of us?  Then they’ll go after one another.  That’s the only saving grace.  But we won’t see it (rats!) because, uh, no more media of any kind for the slaves.  But wouldn’t it be fun to watch these power mongers go after each other?  Makes me chuckle.

Wake up and be offended by this shit.  Try honesty and integrity and for God’s sake, READ something.  And not just the stuff in your circle-jerk.  And don’t say you weren’t warned.  The ones of you who are trying to help the destruction of our nation will be the FIRST ones to wail and gnash your teeth, and also be standing in front of a big old hole in the earth you were just forced to dig.  Guarantee it.

Real Estate Agents, Protect Your Clients!

Photo by Mike Bird on

It should come as NO surprise to real estate agents, that your responsibility is to your client.  A big part of that job is to inform and advise your clients, to be as sure as you can be, that they understand the process.

What we have going on now is predatory behavior, or sleight of hand, among some groups.  Well finally in NC here is a new law, House Bill 422-Unfair Real Estate Agreements Act.  Yes that was a bill; now it is a law.  It is my sincere hope that this law will push back the large corporations who promise one price and come back with a lower one, making it appear to be mandatory.  I also hope it will quash (yes quash, not SQUASH) the small print paragraphs that obligate clients to forty years of ‘loyalty’, or else.

I am a data person, and I have collected the prices paid, and prices sold after the flips, and yeah, there’s an algorithm.  The mantra is the same one we’ve heard for ages: Buy low, sell high.  The problem is that sellers are being given a lowball number of value for their homes, when 90 days later, that is clearly proven to be untrue.

I try to get the truth to my clients and I show them spreadsheets of data to prove it.  Now, some people will give up forty grand to keep from hiring a contractor to paint a wall.  That’s on them.  But I get furious when I see what I call predatory behavior by companies or corporations.

So let’s hope this law will do two things: 1) push these predators back into their dark holes; and 2) force real estate agents to spend time learning what loyalty to their clients means.

One thing mentioned in reporting about this law is that often seniors are targeted.  Well, that’s why I love working with seniors.  I take time with them and always enjoy the ‘visit’.  It is important to me that THEY be situated to make good decisions.  So if you don’t know how to do that, send your senior clients to me. I’ll give them the time and information they need.

Check out this law.  


According to my trusted lenderS (plural), interest rates are going to remain high and probably go up.  Great.  But we can send billions to Ukraine.  That sentence was all me, not the lenders.

We have had ELEVEN, count ’em, ELEVEN rate hikes and we are being told there’s a 50/50 chance of one more.  I say there’s a 100% chance of another one and maybe TWO other ones, because this is how our government works now.

Pay attention to the political leaders who have put us into this inflationary situation, will ya?  My job is real estate and this crap is pushing some buyers RIGHT OUT of the market.  And without them?  I have no job.